Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Okay 2 days ago I was blamed for taken my cousin's aunts' camera because I had went to my my cousin's house they thought I had took it with me. a few days after the accused my they found the camera inside my cousin's school bag, she told her parents that I took it and she made the mistake of coming to my house and made it pretend that I had it the whole time but when she got home she was trying to put it back but her sister came in the room and saw the camera inside her bag. My aunt asked my other little cousin what did she came and get and she said that she didn't come and get anything but my aunt didn't believe that cause she was talking to my cousin's mom and she told her that they found the camera then my other cousin confessed and said that my cousin had the camera the whole time and came over to our house to make it seem like I did have the camera but thank god her sister came at the time she did cause I would of been in trouble for nothing.

My cousin she her mom and older sister made her wear a sign that said " I'm a thief beware." I that that was a little must. a day after that she wrote me on myspace and she was soory and so I forgave her because I was a christian and it in my nature to forgive people; I believe that everyone deserves a second chance.


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