Tuesday, April 27, 2010



Okay back in West palm I was living with my mom and I was happy there because I was friend with half of the kids in the school and my grade were not that great but all of that was messed up because of one poor judgment I made; this is the story of how i got sent to jacksonville and messed up my life:

Okay I was an 8th grader and I was dating the most popular and amazing guy name ja'vante. At first we were friends, I used to tell him everything even the thing I would tell any of my friends or my other boyfriend before Ja'vante; he was my best friend and we have been friend since we were babies, he was there for me when my mom got remarried; I always told him about the problem I was having with either my boyfriend or my family and he would all help me with those problem. when I broke up with my other boyfriend he gave me a shoulder to cry on and a few weeks after breaking up with my boyfriend he told me how he felt about me ever; he told that he has been in love with me since were in 3rd grade and then I finally found out why I wasn't complete, it was because my hurt was waiting for him and I did love him I just didn't know it until now.

On our first date he took me to the beach; he made us food and we sat on a table clouth and ate, it was so romantic because he we were feeding each other and everything it was so cute. after that we went swimmingit was so fun i didn't want it to end. he bought me home and kissed me good night.

the next day everyone knew about our date and that we were now a couple. i hadn't felt that happy since my mom got remarried and stopped caring about me.

everything was going great with us until 2 weeks after my 8th grade dance my mom tells me that i was going to live with my auntie because she needed someone to watch her kids were she goes to work; my mom forced me to go because my aunty was planning to pay for my college so watching her kids was the less i could do, so i had to leave Ja'vante and all of my friend back in West palm.

before moving Ja'vante and i made a promise to each other that since we wasn't gonna see each other for a while that we would date other people and after graduating high school we would brake up with the other person and find each other. We were so sure of our feeling for each other that we knew that faith would bring us together, so we knew that even thought we were dating other people i knew that he still love me and i love him and nothing gonna break us apart.

I can't wait for summer because my aunt is moving back to West palm and i will be able to see my boo again. i had called him the moment my aunt told me that we were moving; He said that he was waiting for me and counting the days til summer.




" A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness; but still will keep bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing."
- J.Keats
- Endymion
" You are beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful, Beauty unparalleled in the garden of Eden. Day and night may Thy image abide. In the very depth of my heart.Without You my eyes have no vision, Everything is an illusion, everything is barren. All around me, within and without, The melody of tuberous pangs I hear. My world is filled with excruciating pangs. O Lord, O my beautiful Lord, O my Lord of beauty, in this lifetime. Even for a fleeting second, May I be blessed with the boon To see Thy Face. "
-by Sri Chinmoy

These poems are dedicated to beauty. what the poems are trying to say is that beauty is skin deep, it's something we see but true beauty is inside you just gotta look hard enough and you'll find that beauty. Beauty is all around us but we never take the time to see it; sunsets, sunrises, butterflies, beaches, or nature those are all beautiful thing GOD created. Everyone is beautiful in there own ways and if anyone ever called you ugly know that your GOD created us from his image and when they call you there calling GOD ugly. All you gotta know is that you are pretty, so don't let anyone make you feel like you are ugly cause your not just except how GOD created.

Monday, April 26, 2010


TAYLOR LAUTNER: Born on February 11th, 1992 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Taylor Daniel Lautner has shown he was destined for a successful life from a very young age. He began studying karate at the age of six, training at Fabiano's Karate School and, by the following year, he was already winning tournaments.
In addition to his love for karate, Taylor was bitten by the acting bug when he was seven years old, after his martial arts instructor persuaded him to audition for a part in a Burger King advert in Los Angeles. Although he was unsuccessful, he enjoyed the experience so much that he told his parents he wanted to pursue a career in acting. Soon, he and his family were traveling back-and-forth from their home in Michigan to California so Taylor could audition for acting roles.

Taylor has been roles on television shows and movie like"My Wife and Kids","Summerland", "The Bernie Mac Show","Danny Phantom", and " The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D" and his recent movie " Twilight and New moon."

Taylor lautner is so cute and when I'm older I'm planning on marrrying and have a family with him for anyone thinking about getting with taylor think again because thats my future husband and were gonna be together and have beautiful kids together too.


I didnt official introduced myself before wriiten all my blogs.
Okay the name is jacqueline louis I was born OCTOBER 5, 1993 in the country of Haitian to parents Macciana Camille and Jacques Louis. I came to the U.S at the age of 8; my aunt took me into her house and took care of me and put me through school, when my mom came to the U.S she stayed with my mom for a few years and then when my aunt moved to naples my mom bought the house and we stayed there until I graduate elemantary; after elemantary my mom met this guy and she got married to him and we moved to Lantana which is still in west palm county. after graduating middle school 2 years ago my aunty took me again because she needed someone to watch the kids because her sons are never home and she was leaving my uncle. last year during my freshman years I went to Orange park high but then my aunty decided to move and now I'm attending Ed white high, next year she's planning on moving back to West palm and and living with my mom for a month and then moving to her new house; her sons and daughter think that she is only moving to West palm for her new boyfriend who they don't like. Now I'm going to have to leave all my friends behind but at less I can see my old friend especially my best friend the one that got pregnant at 17-years-old and of course I'm going to see my niece and goddaughter.
I'm hoping to get a schorship to a medical school and become the gretest doctor ever; I'm hoping my when I do graduate med school I can go around the world and help people and need of care especially my country Haiti.



Saturday my cousins and I went to my uncle's house for the day; around 11 o'clock my aunty came to pick us up at the house. when we moved last year she had left some stuff at that house so when she came and pick us up she decided to get some of her stuff at the house but she and my uncle were in a argument already about the my aunty taking all the stuff and not leaving him anything; she even took both the couches and all 4 0f the televisions including the big screen and my uncle got mad, so when my aunty came back to get the stuff my uncle went off on her they started yelling and they woke up the whole nieghborhood; my aunty had called the cops telling them that my uncle was trying to fight her but my uncle didnt even touch her; my uncles son from another mom went in between them to prevent anything and to make my aunt get into the car and go home but of course my aunt wouldn't listen and so my uncle's son called my his brothers' who are my cousins, they came from a party i guess they were drunk or somethin because when my 17-years old cousin got out of the car he started cusing at my aunty and telling her to go home cause she didnt live there any more but my aunty wouldn't go, when my aunty was having a fit my 17-years- old cousin tried to hold her down but she thought that he was
trying to hurt her so she was fighting back so my other cousin and his friends came up and helped them and they got her to come down. When the cops came they talked to both of them and told my uncle that my aunty is allowed to come into the house because by law their not divorced yet their in process of being divorce but their still married.
i told you about my 12-years-old cousin that been stealing and going out at night will so she is getting worst and i also told my aunty about the suggestion of senting her away but she wouldn't do it i dont know why.
so as you can see my family is messed up and all i could do is pray to god to help my family and my cousins.


Friday, April 23, 2010

17 AND PREGANT!!!!!!!!!!!

Many teens are getting pregnant at an early age.

Last year my best friend got pregnant by this boy she said she was in love with; I told her that he was playing her and that after she gave it up to him he would leave her but she didn't listen; she said that he told her he loved her and will always be there for her, but when she told him that she was pregnant he denied that he even slepted with her. She came running to me after that bastard lefted her and of course since she was like my sister I was there for her. I told to tell her parents but she kept saying that that bastard was going to come back to her, if she was pregnant I would have slapped her back to reality. " listen to me, he is never going to come back to you." I told her.
" yes he will and he will marry me; he just have to get to yhe idea that he's going to be a dad that all.'' I knew that I was not goig to convence her so I let it go.
next day at school I ran into that bastard and told him that if he didn't take responsible for his action I would tell everyone in this school that he hits womens and also was the one that stole our principles car eyes, and since he knew me he also knew that I was capable of doing something like that and if I did go through with that plan his chance on geeting a football schorship was going to be zero because his record was already horriable and if I told that was going to make it worst. During lunch while my friend and I were eating he came up to us and told her that he wanted to be apart of the baby's life. my friend finally decided that it was time to tell her parent she was pregant, but she was scared so she asked me if I could go with her since I could never say no to her I went with her.

The first parent that started screaming was her dad; he was calling her stupid and said told her that she was a disapointment to their family and and he called her a hoe and a slut; that was when I stepped and said " okay that was out of line, yes she made a mistake and got pregnant but your her dad your the one that should be comforting her not calling her name." I shouted at him. " she should of known how to close her legs then maybe she wouldnt of gotten pregnant and I wouldnt be calling her a hoe." I didnt stay long to hear what else he had to say; I grabbed my friend arm and took her up to her room to get her clothes cause she was going to stay with me.

After packing her stuff we went back to my place and asked my parent if she could stay with us, they said yes after I told them what her dad was calling her ; they said that they would help her take care of the baby and of course they were going to talk to the baby daddy's parent so they can help too.

After the birth of my niece my friend and the baby daddy got married and moved into an apartment in west palm; she is now a senior about to graduate and also got a schorship to SFU and the baby daddy got his schorship to a college near SFU, after being married to my friend he fell in love with her and of course love the baby too, he is a great dad.

As for me I'm a sophomore at ed white high school and is moving back to West palm in the summer. I'm also going to see my niece and god daughter too.

END OF BLOG!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


This blog is for all the TWILIGHT fans out there. I remember when I was a freshman last year I hated to read but when my friends telesha and keianna told me to read twilight I thought " no way wa I going to read a book that big; I though it was going to take me forever to finish that book but when I started reading that book I got into it and it took me about a week to finish it. My favorite twilight book is eclipse and breaking dawn of course. What i couldn't believe is that Bella and Edward had a baby i couldn't believe it when my friend accident told me, was pissed at her for telling me that. i was reading eclipse when she told me that they had a baby, so i wenty home spent the whole day in my room reading the book so i could finish it and read breaking dawn to find out if what she said was true. when started reading breaking dawn i was so focus on getting to the part where she had the baby and when i did get to that part i was so excided i stared screaming and my Aunty ran into the room because she thought something had happened to me; told her that i was okay it was just somthing that happened in the book she said i was crazy and went back to her room, it wa a good thing it wasn't in the middle of the night that screamed because i would of gotten a beat down for waking her up. anyways after finding out abour the baby i kept on raeding and then i found out that my future baby daddy jacob black imprinted on the baby i thought Bella was going to kill him for sure; if she did kill him Bella would of been my enemy. I thought i ws going to die when i read that the volturi were going for Bella's baby. Bella and Edward are the greatest parent they did all of that to save their baby; i would of done the samething too i would sacrifice my life before anything happen to my future kids!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, April 16, 2010


I remember when I was about 5-years-old my mom had went on a date and left me home alone with my 13-years cousin Jackson and my 7-years-old cousin Jimmy. We all wanted to watch a scary movie so we decided to watch jeepers creepers. We went into my my mom room and watching the movie the the lights close.

after the movie was over Jimmy and I was scared like chicken everytime we heard a noise we would turn around and Jackson would tell us that it was nothing. it was around 9 o'clock when we really got scared; we were making somthing to eat when we heard this noise outside but of course Jackson still thought we were paranoid so he didn't believe us, so we told him to go outside and check it out and brave that he was her went outside and checked it out; he came back inside and told us that there was nothing to be scared of and so we started to relax a little until after we started eating our dinner I saw something in the window when I told Jackson about it he said that he didnt see anything, but I knew I saw something but he didnt believe me. It was time for us to go to bed around 10 o'oclock. jackson put me into bed and then went out into the living room to watch his favorite movie ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS...... About 3 minutes after puting me into bed I started hearing stuff outside my window but this time I thought I was paranoid so I decide it was all in my head so I layed my head back down and closed my eyes when I heard another noise coming from the window; i got up from my bed went to the window opened the curtaims and then I saw it and this time I knew i was not paranoid. I ran out the room and went to Jackson and told him what I saw he still didn't believe me so I took him into my room and told him to look outside in the window whem he looked he didnt see it which bring him back to the paranoid theory. he told me to go back to sleep and forget about the movie. I went back to bed but I could close my eyes. when I did manage to close my eyes I heard the noise again and this time it was under my bed, so instead of looking under the bed i screamed and Jackson came in. when he came in the thing or person that was under my bed came out. Jackson and the thing started laughing. the thing starte dunmasking and it ended up being my mom; I was so angry that they did that to me but they told me they had to do it because it was a family tradition. We all laughed at it after a while and I forgave them.


Thursday, April 15, 2010


Life is on believable for me; first my cousin bring over all of her friends that live in our apartment complex and destroys the house then my Auntie blame me for allowing it, even thought she knows that no body can tell my cousin what to do she herself can't control her own daughter and she expect me to control her and my cousin is only 12 years old. The only person that shell actually listen to is her father. my Auntie keep saying that she going to give her father full custody of her but she never do it WHY I don't know but what I do know is that my cousin is getting worst and nobody is doing anything thing about it. What I'm afraid of is that when she my age (16-years-old) she'll get into serious trouble and it will be to late to help her; she has already been caught stealing from the mall last year now she's sneaking out of the house when my Auntie is at work and she is also getting into fights, throwing rocks at neighbor car window. she always deny doing it when we ask her but we know she did it because the owner of the car saw her throwing it luckily the owner didn't press any charges. Will she stop her Acts before its to late? all I can do is hope and pray to GOD that she stops before she gets into a serious problem or even get her self kill because at the age she shouldn't be doing what she is doing, what about when she is older will she be out on the streets with guns and sale drugs?
I am trying so hard to convince my Auntie to get her help hopefully she listens to me. THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY!!!!!!!