Monday, April 26, 2010


Saturday my cousins and I went to my uncle's house for the day; around 11 o'clock my aunty came to pick us up at the house. when we moved last year she had left some stuff at that house so when she came and pick us up she decided to get some of her stuff at the house but she and my uncle were in a argument already about the my aunty taking all the stuff and not leaving him anything; she even took both the couches and all 4 0f the televisions including the big screen and my uncle got mad, so when my aunty came back to get the stuff my uncle went off on her they started yelling and they woke up the whole nieghborhood; my aunty had called the cops telling them that my uncle was trying to fight her but my uncle didnt even touch her; my uncles son from another mom went in between them to prevent anything and to make my aunt get into the car and go home but of course my aunt wouldn't listen and so my uncle's son called my his brothers' who are my cousins, they came from a party i guess they were drunk or somethin because when my 17-years old cousin got out of the car he started cusing at my aunty and telling her to go home cause she didnt live there any more but my aunty wouldn't go, when my aunty was having a fit my 17-years- old cousin tried to hold her down but she thought that he was
trying to hurt her so she was fighting back so my other cousin and his friends came up and helped them and they got her to come down. When the cops came they talked to both of them and told my uncle that my aunty is allowed to come into the house because by law their not divorced yet their in process of being divorce but their still married.
i told you about my 12-years-old cousin that been stealing and going out at night will so she is getting worst and i also told my aunty about the suggestion of senting her away but she wouldn't do it i dont know why.
so as you can see my family is messed up and all i could do is pray to god to help my family and my cousins.


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