Friday, April 23, 2010

17 AND PREGANT!!!!!!!!!!!

Many teens are getting pregnant at an early age.

Last year my best friend got pregnant by this boy she said she was in love with; I told her that he was playing her and that after she gave it up to him he would leave her but she didn't listen; she said that he told her he loved her and will always be there for her, but when she told him that she was pregnant he denied that he even slepted with her. She came running to me after that bastard lefted her and of course since she was like my sister I was there for her. I told to tell her parents but she kept saying that that bastard was going to come back to her, if she was pregnant I would have slapped her back to reality. " listen to me, he is never going to come back to you." I told her.
" yes he will and he will marry me; he just have to get to yhe idea that he's going to be a dad that all.'' I knew that I was not goig to convence her so I let it go.
next day at school I ran into that bastard and told him that if he didn't take responsible for his action I would tell everyone in this school that he hits womens and also was the one that stole our principles car eyes, and since he knew me he also knew that I was capable of doing something like that and if I did go through with that plan his chance on geeting a football schorship was going to be zero because his record was already horriable and if I told that was going to make it worst. During lunch while my friend and I were eating he came up to us and told her that he wanted to be apart of the baby's life. my friend finally decided that it was time to tell her parent she was pregant, but she was scared so she asked me if I could go with her since I could never say no to her I went with her.

The first parent that started screaming was her dad; he was calling her stupid and said told her that she was a disapointment to their family and and he called her a hoe and a slut; that was when I stepped and said " okay that was out of line, yes she made a mistake and got pregnant but your her dad your the one that should be comforting her not calling her name." I shouted at him. " she should of known how to close her legs then maybe she wouldnt of gotten pregnant and I wouldnt be calling her a hoe." I didnt stay long to hear what else he had to say; I grabbed my friend arm and took her up to her room to get her clothes cause she was going to stay with me.

After packing her stuff we went back to my place and asked my parent if she could stay with us, they said yes after I told them what her dad was calling her ; they said that they would help her take care of the baby and of course they were going to talk to the baby daddy's parent so they can help too.

After the birth of my niece my friend and the baby daddy got married and moved into an apartment in west palm; she is now a senior about to graduate and also got a schorship to SFU and the baby daddy got his schorship to a college near SFU, after being married to my friend he fell in love with her and of course love the baby too, he is a great dad.

As for me I'm a sophomore at ed white high school and is moving back to West palm in the summer. I'm also going to see my niece and god daughter too.

END OF BLOG!!!!!!!!

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