Friday, April 16, 2010


I remember when I was about 5-years-old my mom had went on a date and left me home alone with my 13-years cousin Jackson and my 7-years-old cousin Jimmy. We all wanted to watch a scary movie so we decided to watch jeepers creepers. We went into my my mom room and watching the movie the the lights close.

after the movie was over Jimmy and I was scared like chicken everytime we heard a noise we would turn around and Jackson would tell us that it was nothing. it was around 9 o'clock when we really got scared; we were making somthing to eat when we heard this noise outside but of course Jackson still thought we were paranoid so he didn't believe us, so we told him to go outside and check it out and brave that he was her went outside and checked it out; he came back inside and told us that there was nothing to be scared of and so we started to relax a little until after we started eating our dinner I saw something in the window when I told Jackson about it he said that he didnt see anything, but I knew I saw something but he didnt believe me. It was time for us to go to bed around 10 o'oclock. jackson put me into bed and then went out into the living room to watch his favorite movie ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS...... About 3 minutes after puting me into bed I started hearing stuff outside my window but this time I thought I was paranoid so I decide it was all in my head so I layed my head back down and closed my eyes when I heard another noise coming from the window; i got up from my bed went to the window opened the curtaims and then I saw it and this time I knew i was not paranoid. I ran out the room and went to Jackson and told him what I saw he still didn't believe me so I took him into my room and told him to look outside in the window whem he looked he didnt see it which bring him back to the paranoid theory. he told me to go back to sleep and forget about the movie. I went back to bed but I could close my eyes. when I did manage to close my eyes I heard the noise again and this time it was under my bed, so instead of looking under the bed i screamed and Jackson came in. when he came in the thing or person that was under my bed came out. Jackson and the thing started laughing. the thing starte dunmasking and it ended up being my mom; I was so angry that they did that to me but they told me they had to do it because it was a family tradition. We all laughed at it after a while and I forgave them.


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