Thursday, April 22, 2010


This blog is for all the TWILIGHT fans out there. I remember when I was a freshman last year I hated to read but when my friends telesha and keianna told me to read twilight I thought " no way wa I going to read a book that big; I though it was going to take me forever to finish that book but when I started reading that book I got into it and it took me about a week to finish it. My favorite twilight book is eclipse and breaking dawn of course. What i couldn't believe is that Bella and Edward had a baby i couldn't believe it when my friend accident told me, was pissed at her for telling me that. i was reading eclipse when she told me that they had a baby, so i wenty home spent the whole day in my room reading the book so i could finish it and read breaking dawn to find out if what she said was true. when started reading breaking dawn i was so focus on getting to the part where she had the baby and when i did get to that part i was so excided i stared screaming and my Aunty ran into the room because she thought something had happened to me; told her that i was okay it was just somthing that happened in the book she said i was crazy and went back to her room, it wa a good thing it wasn't in the middle of the night that screamed because i would of gotten a beat down for waking her up. anyways after finding out abour the baby i kept on raeding and then i found out that my future baby daddy jacob black imprinted on the baby i thought Bella was going to kill him for sure; if she did kill him Bella would of been my enemy. I thought i ws going to die when i read that the volturi were going for Bella's baby. Bella and Edward are the greatest parent they did all of that to save their baby; i would of done the samething too i would sacrifice my life before anything happen to my future kids!!!!!!!!!!


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