Tuesday, April 27, 2010



Okay back in West palm I was living with my mom and I was happy there because I was friend with half of the kids in the school and my grade were not that great but all of that was messed up because of one poor judgment I made; this is the story of how i got sent to jacksonville and messed up my life:

Okay I was an 8th grader and I was dating the most popular and amazing guy name ja'vante. At first we were friends, I used to tell him everything even the thing I would tell any of my friends or my other boyfriend before Ja'vante; he was my best friend and we have been friend since we were babies, he was there for me when my mom got remarried; I always told him about the problem I was having with either my boyfriend or my family and he would all help me with those problem. when I broke up with my other boyfriend he gave me a shoulder to cry on and a few weeks after breaking up with my boyfriend he told me how he felt about me ever; he told that he has been in love with me since were in 3rd grade and then I finally found out why I wasn't complete, it was because my hurt was waiting for him and I did love him I just didn't know it until now.

On our first date he took me to the beach; he made us food and we sat on a table clouth and ate, it was so romantic because he we were feeding each other and everything it was so cute. after that we went swimmingit was so fun i didn't want it to end. he bought me home and kissed me good night.

the next day everyone knew about our date and that we were now a couple. i hadn't felt that happy since my mom got remarried and stopped caring about me.

everything was going great with us until 2 weeks after my 8th grade dance my mom tells me that i was going to live with my auntie because she needed someone to watch her kids were she goes to work; my mom forced me to go because my aunty was planning to pay for my college so watching her kids was the less i could do, so i had to leave Ja'vante and all of my friend back in West palm.

before moving Ja'vante and i made a promise to each other that since we wasn't gonna see each other for a while that we would date other people and after graduating high school we would brake up with the other person and find each other. We were so sure of our feeling for each other that we knew that faith would bring us together, so we knew that even thought we were dating other people i knew that he still love me and i love him and nothing gonna break us apart.

I can't wait for summer because my aunt is moving back to West palm and i will be able to see my boo again. i had called him the moment my aunt told me that we were moving; He said that he was waiting for me and counting the days til summer.


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