Monday, April 26, 2010


I didnt official introduced myself before wriiten all my blogs.
Okay the name is jacqueline louis I was born OCTOBER 5, 1993 in the country of Haitian to parents Macciana Camille and Jacques Louis. I came to the U.S at the age of 8; my aunt took me into her house and took care of me and put me through school, when my mom came to the U.S she stayed with my mom for a few years and then when my aunt moved to naples my mom bought the house and we stayed there until I graduate elemantary; after elemantary my mom met this guy and she got married to him and we moved to Lantana which is still in west palm county. after graduating middle school 2 years ago my aunty took me again because she needed someone to watch the kids because her sons are never home and she was leaving my uncle. last year during my freshman years I went to Orange park high but then my aunty decided to move and now I'm attending Ed white high, next year she's planning on moving back to West palm and and living with my mom for a month and then moving to her new house; her sons and daughter think that she is only moving to West palm for her new boyfriend who they don't like. Now I'm going to have to leave all my friends behind but at less I can see my old friend especially my best friend the one that got pregnant at 17-years-old and of course I'm going to see my niece and goddaughter.
I'm hoping to get a schorship to a medical school and become the gretest doctor ever; I'm hoping my when I do graduate med school I can go around the world and help people and need of care especially my country Haiti.


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