Thursday, April 15, 2010


Life is on believable for me; first my cousin bring over all of her friends that live in our apartment complex and destroys the house then my Auntie blame me for allowing it, even thought she knows that no body can tell my cousin what to do she herself can't control her own daughter and she expect me to control her and my cousin is only 12 years old. The only person that shell actually listen to is her father. my Auntie keep saying that she going to give her father full custody of her but she never do it WHY I don't know but what I do know is that my cousin is getting worst and nobody is doing anything thing about it. What I'm afraid of is that when she my age (16-years-old) she'll get into serious trouble and it will be to late to help her; she has already been caught stealing from the mall last year now she's sneaking out of the house when my Auntie is at work and she is also getting into fights, throwing rocks at neighbor car window. she always deny doing it when we ask her but we know she did it because the owner of the car saw her throwing it luckily the owner didn't press any charges. Will she stop her Acts before its to late? all I can do is hope and pray to GOD that she stops before she gets into a serious problem or even get her self kill because at the age she shouldn't be doing what she is doing, what about when she is older will she be out on the streets with guns and sale drugs?
I am trying so hard to convince my Auntie to get her help hopefully she listens to me. THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have some friends who have been sent away to like a detention center. Maybe if she's sent away, it'll help. Give this suggestion to your aunt...
